We have all heard teaching on these verses in Ephesians a million times, usually at weddings and around mothers and fathers day. It has gotten to a point that we just kind of gloss over the teaching regarding the family in these verses. Not because we don’t consider it important, but we have heard it so many times. It has become common place. But, I want to draw out an aspect of these verses that I don’t think anyone else has. Gratitude will improve your marriage!
The Apostle Paul established “relevance” by starting with some sort of a thankful statement. There are only a few of Paul’s letters that do not start off with a thankful statement (Galations, II Timothy, and Titus).
The premise here is that Paul knew that these thankful statements set him up to be more impactful as a teacher. There is something inside of all of us that responds positively to a teacher that is thankful.
The premise here is that Paul knew that these thankful statements set him up to be more impactful as a teacher. There is something inside of all of us that responds positively to a teacher that is thankful.